Buy Excessive Sweating Treatment

Anhydrol Forte

  • Controls the excessive sweating of feet, fingers and axilla
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  • For adults, children and the elderly

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Perspirex Strong

  • Works to block the pores to prevent the sweat
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  • Helps to reduce any odours

From £8.45

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  • Stops the body from excreting too much sweat
  • Considerable improvement in 2 weeks
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What is excessive sweating?

Excessive sweating is known as hyperhidrosis. It happens when a person experiences more sweating than usual.

Sweating, or perspiration, is normal. And it happens when the body is working harder than usual and needs to cool down. However, people with hyperhidrosis may sweat heavily for no reason. Sitting at a moderate temperature without any sweat triggers but still sweating is a sign of hyperhidrosis.

For example, if the temperature is mild, you're not nervous and you don't have a fever, but you're sweating uncontrollably, that's not normal. Some people may not experience excessive sweating. But others might be very embarrassed and distressed by their sweating so they limit their social interactions.

There are two types of hyperhidrosis.

  • Localised sweating, also known as primary focal hyperhidrosis.

  • Generalised sweating, also known as secondary general hyperhidrosis.

Localised sweating

This is the most common form of excessive sweating but only affects 1–3% of the population. In this condition, known as primary focal hyperhidrosis, you sweat only from specific parts of your body, like your underarms, groin, hands, feet and face. Localised sweating doesn't boost the chances of an illness. But it can cause embarrassment and irritation in your daily life.

Generalised sweating

This is the less common form of excessive sweating. It happens when you sweat from your entire body and is considered more severe than localised sweating. Usually, it's caused by certain pre-existing underlying conditions. People can develop excessive sweating as they get older, more specifically in middle and older age.

Some people mistake anxiety sweating with excessive sweating. This is because people with anxiety disorders tend to sweat more than others. But this isn't the same as hyperhidrosis. And you can have both conditions at the same time.

To get a diagnosis, your doctor will do a physical examination. They will ask you specific questions to understand your condition better. They might also do a sweat test. In this test, your doctor coats your skin with a powder that turns purple when it gets wet.

What are the causes of excessive sweating?

Localised sweating tends to be caused by a slight malfunction in the nervous system. Localised sweating may also be due to genetics.

Generalised sweating may be caused by several medical conditions. These include:

  • Menopause

  • Pregnancy

  • Thyroid problems

  • Diabetes

  • Alcoholism

  • Stroke

  • Heart failure

  • Parkinson's disease

  • Leukaemia

Some medicines that can cause general sweating are:

  • Antibiotics

  • Hypertension medication

  • Psychiatric drugs

  • Supplements

Excessive sweating can be an indication of thyroid problems or diabetes. And out-of-shape people tend to experience excessive sweating more than others.

What are the symptoms of excessive sweating?

Signs and symptoms of localised sweating are simply excessive sweating that only affects specific areas of the body. These include your hands, feet, face and armpits. Localised sweating is the most symmetrical sweating because it doesn't just happen on one side of the body. A few symptoms that indicate you should visit a doctor are listed below.

  • Night sweats. Waking up in a cold sweat and your sheet and pillow are damp.

  • Asymmetrical sweating. Sweating from only one side of your body.

  • Abrupt changes. Experiencing abnormal intense sweating.

  • Changes from medication. Sweating excessively after beginning a new medicine.

  • If you or anyone you know is showing these symptoms, visit a doctor for a check-up.

How is excessive sweating diagnosed?

Excessive sweating, or hyperhidrosis, can often be self-diagnosed. But you should see a doctor if you have concerns about your symptoms. During your visit, your doctor will examine the areas where you sweat excessively. They will also ask questions to understand your symptoms better.

In some cases, a doctor may perform a sweat test called the Minor test. This involves applying iodine to the affected area and then sprinkling starch on it. If excessive sweating is present, the area will turn dark blue. If your doctor suspects that the sweating is related to an underlying medical condition, they may recommend additional tests to identify the cause.

Excessive sweating prevention

Below are some strategies and lifestyle changes to help prevent excessive sweating.

  • Use regular antiperspirants instead of deodorants. Apply them to dry skin before bedtime.

  • Keep a sweat journal to identify and avoid obvious triggers like heat, anxiety and certain foods.

  • Wear loose-fitting clothes made from breathable fabrics. Avoid tight clothing.

  • Stay cool in places with good ventilation.

  • Use moisture-absorbing socks and breathable shoes. Alternate between different pairs.

  • Consult a dermatologist for personalised advice and treatment options.

Implementing these tips can help manage excessive sweating and improve comfort.

How to treat excessive sweating?

There is no cure for localised hyperhidrosis. But below are some ways to minimise its symptoms:

  1. Antiperspirant

  2. Iontophoresis

  3. Medication

  4. Botox

  5. Surgery


Different over-the-counter or prescription sprays and balms can help reduce your symptoms. Antiperspirants contain aluminium salts. They can help reduce sweating. Over-the-counter antiperspirants have comparatively fewer side effects than prescribed ones. If they don't work for you, consult a doctor. Antiperspirants have deodorants that can control the odour. But they can't prevent sweating. Side effects include a burning sensation and irritated skin.


This treatment can temporarily disable the sweat glands. It's a treatment in which a person sits with their hands, feet and affected areas in a tray of water for half an hour. During that time, a low electrical current will pass through the water. Doctors believe that this treatment helps block sweat glands. This treatment needs to be done a couple of times a week, depending on the person. It's a safe treatment. However, it's not recommended for pregnant women and people with heart conditions or epilepsy. This is because it involves an electric current. Side effects may include dry and irritated skin, with a bit of discomfort during the treatment.


Some medications can stop your sweat glands from working.


A Botox injection is an FDA-approved treatment that can temporarily stop the nerves from triggering hyperhidrosis. This treatment has proven effective in treating excessive underarm sweating. It releases a chemical that stops the activation of sweat glands. However, the result only lasts up to a year, and side effects include temporary muscle weakness.


Doctors prescribe this treatment for people who have tried botox and iontophoresis without good results. But it has some side effects. These include blurred vision, urinary problems and heart palpitations.


You can get some of your sweat glands surgically removed. Surgery methods include excision, liposuction, curettage and laser surgery. Sympathectomy is another surgical method that is done to treat hyperhidrosis. In this surgery, the surgeon stops the nerve signals that our bodies send to the sweat glands.

Home remedies

There are several ways to manage excessive sweating naturally. But they may not be sufficient in the long run. Methods include being prepared and carrying an extra top with you. Bathing or showering every day using antibacterial soap can control the bacteria that may be causing sweaty skin and odour. Underarm liners and specially formulated socks for sweaty feet can also help absorb the sweat.

Secondary hyperhidrosis can be treated. But you need to determine the underlying condition that's causing it. Hyperhidrosis caused by diabetes and thyroid problems can be dealt with using medication and surgery. However, many people don't take excessive sweating seriously and ignore the symptoms for months or even years. Excessive sweating can be an indication of a severe underlying health condition.

Can I buy excessive sweating treatment online?

Yes! You can quickly and discreetly buy excessive sweating treatment online through our UK pharmacy website.

How long does it take to treat excessive sweating?

All treatments for excessive sweating take about a few weeks to kick in. Only then will you see a difference. Botox lasts for a year or so. But it takes a couple of weeks for your sweat to dry up after you first get it done. A person can resume their usual activities immediately after getting botox injections.

Patient information leaflet

Always read the patient information leaflet before starting your treatment.

Related Excessive Sweating advice & articles

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