Rosacea Medications

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Finacea Gel

  • Treats mild to moderate cases of rosacea
  • Contains azelaic acid
  • Eliminates bacteria

From £19.99

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What is Rosacea?

Rosacea is a common skin condition that causes red patches and visible blood vessels mostly on the face. It can also produce small, red, pus-filled bumps on the skin. It is a long-lasting skin condition that causes inflammation and redness on the face. Rosacea usually starts from the nose and cheeks and then spreads to the forehead and chin in extreme conditions. Over time, redness can become more intense. Rosacea is often mistaken for acne. It mostly affects middle-aged women with light and fair complexion, but anyone can have it. It is a chronic disease with no definitive cure, but treatments can reduce this long-lasting condition's symptoms. 

Types of rosacea are:

• Erythematotelangiectatic rosacea is the most common type of rosacea characterised by dilated blood vessels, redness and flushing. 

• Papulopustular rosacea is acne-like bumps on the face that can cause swelling and form pustules, resembling whiteheads. 

• Phymatous rosacea is a thickening of the skin, sometimes on the nose, resulting in a bumpy texture. 

• Ocular rosacea is characterised by a watery appearance and burning of the eyes.

In some cases, rosacea can appear on the chest and back or the neck of a person. It may affect the eyes, causing them to be watery and irritated. People develop solid red bumps on their skin filled with pus when they are affected by rosacea. A bulbous, swollen appearance on the nose called rhinophyma can also be caused by rosacea.

What causes rosacea?

Rosacea affects approximately 1 in 10 people in the UK, and most don't even know they have it. The cause of rosacea is unknown and not definitive yet, but studies have shown to prove the process elements. One of the theories of the cause of rosacea suggests that this condition may be because of the neurovascular system or the immune system. A tiny skin mite known as dermadex has been found in a large amount where there is rosacea. Other theories suggest that rosacea might be a genetic condition that could be passed on from the family. Dermatologists believe that the cause of rosacea is likely a mix of genetics and environmental factors. Lifestyle choices can also affect a person's risk of getting rosacea. A healthy lifestyle is of at most important to reduce your chances of getting rosacea.

 A type of bacteria called H. pylori usually lives in your gut. Studies suggest this germ can tend to raise the amount of the digestive hormone gastrin, which might cause your skin to look flushed.

Rosacea can be triggered by:

  1. Sunlight or wind

  2. Cosmetic products

  3. Temperature

  4. Spicy foods and specific beverages

  5. Alcoholic beverages such as red wine

  6. Drugs that dilate the blood vessels

  7. Exercise

Some risk factors include:

  1. If you are a female

  2. If you have fair and sensitive skin

  3. If you are over the age of 30

  4. If you smoke

  5. If you have a family history of rosacea

What are the common symptoms of rosacea?

A few most common signs and symptoms of rosacea include the following that may help with the diagnosis: 

Facial redness: Rosacea typically causes redness in the central part of your face. Tiny blood vessels on your nose and cheeks become more visible and swollen. 

Swollen red bumps: People affected by rosacea develop small, pus-filled pimples that appear to be acne on their face. Skins may feel hot, tender and extremely irritable. 

Eye problems: People with rosacea suffer from watery, burning and irritated eyes that are very swollen. In some people, the eye symptoms precede the skin symptoms. 

Enlarged nose: Rosacea tends to thicken the skin on the nose, causing the nose to appear more bulbous. This condition is more likely to happen in men than in women. 

Flushed face: People suffering from rosacea have a history of flushing and blushing. This is one of the earliest signs of rosacea. 

Burning: Rosacea causes intense burning and itching on the skin  

Dryness: Skin may appear to be rough and dry.

If you or anyone you know experience these symptoms, then it is advised to visit a dermatologist and get a proper check-up.

How to treat rosacea?

While there is no known cure for rosacea, lifestyle changes and medications can help reduce the signs and symptoms of this skin condition. The treatment might include over-the-counter skin care products, prescription ointments, oral meds, or in-office treatments. 

Over-the-counter products may not help in the long term permanently to reduce visible blood vessels, but they might temporarily reduce inflammation. Products that contain azelaic acid and niacinamide can help reduce redness on the skin. People with rosacea have very sensitive skin prone to damage, so it is essential to use mind skincare products. Sunscreen is vital as the sun might cause some damage to the skin. 

Oral medications like antibiotics are often used to treat rosacea. Drugs like doxycycline (antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory) and ivermectin (anti-parasite)  have been proven to help reduce Demodex populations. Tetracycline and minocycline can help minimise eye symptoms such as dryness and itchiness as well as watery eyes. 

Prescribed ointments such as an antibacterial cream named Metronidazole can help reduce redness and inflammation, which might be the cause of rosacea.
Brimonidine (Mirvaso) is a gel that tightens blood vessels in the skin to eliminate some of your redness.

Eye drops provide relief to eye symptoms, which occur in ocular rosacea. 

A doctor may recommend Blephamide, which is a type of steroid eye drop. These are prescribed for a few days to a week, followed by a break or tapered use.

Isotretinoin (Accutane) is an oral medication that is used in severe rosacea cases (only when other treatments may not have worked). This is a powerful medication that restricts the skin from making oil. The side effects of this can be severe.

This drug is not helpful for patients with erythematotelangiectatic rosacea.

Laser and light therapy may reduce the visibility of blood vessels. This procedure may be painful for some, but most people do not require anaesthetics for this process 
Your doctor may also recommend some procedures to treat your rosacea, such as:

  1. Lasers that use intense light to narrow blood vessels that have gotten bigger. 

  2. Dermabrasion sands off the top layer of skin. 

  3. Electrocautery is an electric current that zaps the damaged blood vessels. 

Lifestyle changes such as reduced alcohol consumption, eating less spicy foods, alcoholic and high sugar content beverages, stopping smoking, and protecting your skin from sunlight can really help reduce the symptoms of rosacea. 

Getting rosacea treated is a must, and if not treated, it may develop into something more serious and life-threatening.

Can I buy rosacea treatment online?

Yes! You can quickly and discreetly buy rosacea treatment online through our website.

How long does it take to treat rosacea?

Rosacea is a chronic, life long disease with no cure; however, effective treatments, including medication and lifestyle changes, can help reduce the signs and symptoms of rosacea in approximately six months. Hopefully, with patience and the correct treatment, rosacea symptoms can be brought to a minimal.

Patient information leaflet:

Always read your patient information leaflet before starting your treatment.

Does Alcohol cause Rosacea?

Rosacea flare-ups can occur due to alcohol consumption. It can even worsen existing symptoms. According to experts, it is ideal to avoid alcohol entirely if you suffer from rosacea. You should not consume alcohol in moderation, either.

Do certain foods trigger Rosacea?

Many foods may trigger rosacea. For some, consuming hot beverages such as tea and coffee can trigger rosacea symptoms. Not only this, but you may also find that foods containing dairy can cause an outbreak. In addition to this, spicy foods are also common triggers for rosacea flare-ups.

Furthermore, most foods with cinnamaldehyde can also significantly aggravate rosacea symptoms. For example, cinnamon, citrus fruit, tomatoes and chocolate all include cinnamaldehyde – the consumption of such items should be decreased in order to check whether your flare-ups calm down.

Can I prevent Rosacea?

You can prevent rosacea by:

  • Avoid known triggers: If certain products or situations tend to trigger your rosacea, try to avoid them. For instance, switch to lukewarm showers if taking steamed showers is a trigger.
  • Look after your skin: Invest in a good skincare routine. Get a cleanser and moisturiser suited for your skin.
  • Use camouflage makeup: If you suffer from persistent red skin, then use suitable makeup products, as they can help you conceal these patches.
  • Keep your eyelids clean: If rosacea affects your eyelids, then make sure that you thoroughly clean them and that they are kept clean. This will help reduce any type of inflammation or irritation. If you use eye makeup, then select products that are mild and wash off easily.

What is papulopustular rosacea, and what are its symptoms?

Papulopustular rosacea is a type of rosacea. It is a skin condition. It is commonly referred to as acne rosacea.

Papulopustular rosacea, or acne rosacea, is a combination of symptoms of rosacea and acne. If you have papulopustular rosacea, symptoms such as red, flushed skin, swelling and inflammation, and acne-like breakouts and spots will appear.

Common papulopustular rosacea symptoms are:

  • Constant redness
  • Inflammation
  • Flushing or appearance similar to blush
  • Burning or stinging sensation on the face
  • Red bumps in the skin (papules)
  • Whiteheads (pustules)
  • Itching
  • Extremely sensitive skin
  • Stinging
  • Rough or dry skin
  • Widened blood vessels (telangiectasia)
  • Thickening of the skin (rhinophyma)

Generally, these symptoms occur in the middle of the face. In most cases, the affected areas are the cheeks, nose and chin. Although this is uncommon, you may also see the symptoms mentioned above on your forehead. Acne rosacea can affect other parts of your body.

Soolantra vs Finacea

Soolantra is a topical cream used to treat rosacea. It contains the active ingredient ivermectin. Soolantra is an anti-inflammatory cream that alleviates symptoms associated with rosacea, including facial redness, swelling, as well as papules and pustules.

On the other hand, Finacea is a gel treatment used to treat rosacea. The main difference between Soolantra and Finacea is the two medications' active ingredients. Finacea contains azelaic acid instead of ivermectin.

Will my nose swell or change shape (rhinophyma)?

Sometimes, rosacea can impact the nose in such a way that it causes rhinophyma. However, this is not common. It only develops in rosacea cases where the condition has been active for a while and left untreated.

Is Rosacea a sign of poor hygiene?

No. Rosacea is not a sign of poor hygiene.

How should I wash my face if I have Rosacea?

You should use a mild soap or non-soap cleanser. It is best to use products that are made for rosacea patients. Use your fingertips to apply the cleanser. Do not use any tools, such as sponges or clothes. Wash your face with lukewarm water and pat your face dry with a towel or tissue paper. Make sure to avoid rubbing or tugging on the skin with the towel or tissue, as it can lead to irritation.

Should I moisturise my face if I suffer from Rosacea?

Yes. Most people with rosacea tend to have dry skin. Moisturising your face can help tremendously with dry skin and any stinging sensation or irritation on the face. However, even if you do not have dry skin, you should still moisturise to lock in hydration. In addition to this, you may find moisturisers designed for rosacea patients. You can use such products with your rosacea topical treatment.

Authored by

Last reviewed 11 April 2023

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